>Hopefully this kind of comment is appropriate…If bloggers are mainly linking and providing their perspective on stories they get from mainstream news sources or from one another, is there a difference in the content they offer besides the commentary that goes with the news? If that’s pretty much the only difference, what is it that makes that worth doing and reading?
>Passion of subject, individual expertise, the opportunity to be a publisher and get out your thoughts on a subject. In the 21st century, everyone is a publisher — not just the people who own the presses and the broadcast outlets.
We’re really looking forward to having you all in Minnesota this weekend for Steve’s memorial service. Below are details for the weekend. Please e-mail Mike at mwesleybuttry@gmail.com if you have any questions. Friday There has been a CHANGE in Friday evening’s plans. We ended up having too many people for bowling at Pinstripes (a good […]
The LSU Manship School of Mass Communication will also be holding a memorial service in honor of Steve at 4:30 Monday, April 3 at the Holliday Forum in the LSU Journalism Building. Further details are in the link below. Buttry Memorial Service
We’d like to thank everyone again for the continuing love and support we’ve received since Steve’s passing. This post is to remind and provide some more details for Steve’s memorial service, which will take place at 4pm, Saturday April 8, at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Minneapolis, MN. Directions to the venue are also […]
>Hopefully this kind of comment is appropriate…If bloggers are mainly linking and providing their perspective on stories they get from mainstream news sources or from one another, is there a difference in the content they offer besides the commentary that goes with the news? If that’s pretty much the only difference, what is it that makes that worth doing and reading?
>Passion of subject, individual expertise, the opportunity to be a publisher and get out your thoughts on a subject. In the 21st century, everyone is a publisher — not just the people who own the presses and the broadcast outlets.